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1.12 lbs./ft. & 2 lbs./ft. posts with standard hole dia. of ⅜″ spaced out 1″ apart
Item Y3433, Y3434, Y3435, Y3436, Y3437, Y3438, Y3439, Y3485, Y3486
With standard hole dia. of ⅜″ spaced out 1″ apart
Item Y3433-B, Y3434-B, Y3436-B, Y3437-B, Y3485-B, Y3486-B
Use with posts weighing 2 lbs./ft.
Item Y4987
Item Y4991
FHWA approved and compliant with AASHTO specifications
Item Y3536, Y3537
Item Y3538
For use with U-Channel, Square and Fiberglass Posts
Item Y4931, Y4899, Y3465, Y3550
Item Y4900TS and Y4901TS
For Use with U-Channel Posts Only
Item Y4915
Item Y3472
For use with 4" to 12" diameter posts
Item Y3466
Item Y4903
Item Y3440, Y3425, Y3426
Item Y3457
Allows for two signs to be mounted back-to-back
Item Y3458
Item Y4911TB, Y4912TB, Y3552
Item Y4921TN
Item Y4919
Item Y4918NW
Use with either 2 lbs./ft. or 1.12 lbs/ft. U-channel Posts
Item Y3464 & Y3468
For installing U-channel, square, and round posts in the ground
Item Y4894
Item Y3527
Tamper Resistant
Item Y4964
Item Y3535
Item Y3540
For 2–4 lbs./ft. U-channel posts
Item Y3539
Item Y3534
Item Y3528
Item Y3529
Item Y3530
Item Y3531
Item RTST-1
Item Y3532
Item Y3533
Source: 2009 MUTCD
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