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Product Information
Section 2D.48 General Information Signs
- All Terrain Vehicle Route signs shall be used on highways where all terrain vehicles are permitted by official designation, in accordance with Section 2405 of the Vehicle and Traffic Law.
- The sign used should be that which most clearly represtents the type of all terrain vehicle using the route. The NYM17-1 sign should be used where trail bikes predominate, and the NYM17-2 sign should be used where four-wheeled all terrain vehicles are in the majority. The signs should not be intermixed within a route.
- All Terrain Vehicle Route Signs should be used in combinations and assemblies similar to other route signs, except that Junction assemblies should not be used, and Advance Route Turn assembles are normally unnecessary.
- All auxiliary signs supplementing All Terrain Vehicle Route signs shall have white legends and green backgrounds
- All Terrain Vehicle Route signs should be supplemented by the BEGIN auxiliary sign at the beginning of a route and the END auxiliary sign at the end of a route.
- All Terrain Vehicle Route sign assemblies should be located to clearly mark the permited travel path. They should be placed in advance of, and beyond, route turns (Directional and Confirming assemblies), at intersections with other all terrain vehicle routes, and at intermediate locations, as necessary. The distance between successive signs along a route should be no more than 3000 feet.
- An All Terrain Vehicle Route sign supplemented by a M6-4 Directional Arrow auxiliary sign may be used on a highway to identify a snowmobile trail crossing.