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Product Information
Installation of the Alternative Fuels Corridor sign should be limited to the designated Alternative Fuels Corridor highway segment. The Alternative Fuels Corridor sign should not be displayed along a "future," "proposed," or other route where alternative fueling infrastructure is incomplete, pending, or does not currently meet the established designation criteria to qualify for signing. Due to the limited size of these signs, the Alternative Fuels Corridor sign shall be allowed only in post-mounted roadside installations
The Alternative Fuels Corridor sign assembly installation should be limited to one sign at or near the beginning of the Alternative Fuels Corridor in each direction of travel. For longer corridors, additional signs may be located beyond major intersections or major interchanges following the typical post-interchange sign sequence. These signs should be used sparingly as they provide limited information to drivers. The Alternative Fuels Corridor signs should not be used as directional signs or be combined with other signs, except as provided herein.
Source: 2009 MUTCD