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Section 2I.02 General Service Signs for Conventional Roads
- On conventional roads, commercial services such as gas, food, and lodging generally are within sight and are available to the road user at reasonably frequent intervals along the route. Consequently, on this class of road there usually is no need for special signs calling attention to these services. Moreover, General Service signing is usually not required in urban areas except for hospitals, law enforcement assistance, tourist information centers, and camping.
- General Service signs may be used where such services are infrequent and are found only on an intersecting highway or crossroad.
- All General Service signs and supplemental sign panels shall have white letters, symbols, arrows, and borders on a blue background.
- General Service signs should be installed at a suitable distance in advance of the turn-off point or intersecting highway. States that elect to provide General Service signing should establish a statewide policy or warrant for its use, and criteria for the availability of services. Local jurisdictions electing to use such signing should follow State policy for the sake of uniformity.
- General Service signs, if used at intersections, shall be accompanied by a directional message.
- The General Service sign legends may be either symbols or word messages.
- The Recreational Vehicle Sanitary Station (D9-12) sign may be used as needed to indicate the availability of facilities designed for the use of dumping wastes from recreational vehicle holding tanks.
Source: 2009 MUTCD