Pedestrian Traffic Signal Median Sign
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Sign Reads
Start Crossing To Median Watch For Vehicles Don't Start Finish Crossing If Started Don't Cross Push Button To Cross

Pedestrian Traffic Signal Median Sign

MUTCD R10-3d Available






  • 1–2
  • 3–4
  • 5–9
  • 10–19
  • 20–39
  • 40+

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Product Information


Section 2B.52 Traffic Signal Pedestrian and Bicycle Actuation Signs (R10-1 through R10-4, and R10-24 through R10-26)


  • Traffic Signal signs applicable to pedestrian actuation or bicyclist actuation shall be mounted immediately above or incorporated into the pushbutton detector units.
  • Option: Where symbol-type pedestrian signal indications are used, an educational sign (R10-3b) may be used instead of the R10-3 sign to improve pedestrian understanding of pedestrian indications at signalized intersections. Where word-type pedestrian signal indications are being retained for the remainder of their useful service life, the legends WALK/DONT WALK may be substituted for the symbols on the educational sign R10-3b, thus creating educational sign R10-3c. The R10-3d educational sign may be used to inform pedestrians that the pedestrian clearance time is sufficient only for the pedestrian to cross to the median at locations where pedestrians cross in two stages using a median refuge island. The R10-3e educational sign may be used where countdown pedestrian signals have been provided. In order to assist the pedestrian in understanding which pushbutton to push, the R10-3f to R10-3i educational signs that provide the name of the street to be crossed may be used instead of the R10-3b to R10-3e educational signs.

Source: 2009 MUTCD



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