3M™ EGP transition to 3M™ Advanced Flexible Engineer Grade 7310
Engineering Grade Prismatic Reflective (ASTM D4956 Type I).
TrafficSign.com uses 3M™ reflective sheeting.
3M™ has temporarily stopped producing Engineering Grade Prismatic Reflective Sheeting. It is not known when or if 3M™ will resume production.
3M™ is offering a substitute Engineering Grade Reflective Sheeting meeting the same (ASTM D4956 Type I) standard. The new 3M™ product is named Advanced Flexible Engineering Grade 7310. This product has the same retro reflectivity and durability of the prismatic engineering grade material.
The challenge for TrafficSign.com and our customers is this new 3M™ 7310 material is visually different. TrafficSign.com has over 19,000 finished EG Prismatic signs in stock and enough material to produce another 25,000 signs in specific predetermined sizes. See photos below of the EG Prismatic compared to the new EG 7310.
To avoid supplying two visually different signs to our customers on the same order TrafficSign.com will begin transitioning to the new 3M™ 7310 Engineering Grade Material as follows:
- Street Name and 911 Address Signs will be printed on the new 3M™ 7310 Advanced Flexible Engineering Grade, effective immediately.
- Custom EG Reflective Signs in quantities of less than 10 identical signs and with no stock EG Prismatic signs on the same order will use 3M™ 7310, effective immediately.
- Custom EG Reflective Signs in quantities of less than 10 identical signs and with stock EG Prismatic signs on the same order will use 3M™ EG Prismatic while supplies last. We will make our best efforts to match all EG signs on the same order. We cannot match based on previous orders.
- TrafficSign.com will utilize its remaining EG Prismatic unprinted material for stock signs, primarily to provide a visual match to our existing finished inventory for as long as we can.
- Larger orders for Stock or Custom will be screen printed using EG Prismatic while supplies last.
- We expect this EG reflective transition to take several months to a year. It will result in our reducing finished inventory of EG Reflective Signs dramatically in our effort to provide matching signs.
- Despite our efforts we cannot guarantee that the Engineering Grade Reflective Signs you order will have matching EG Reflective material.
- Custom Signs cannot be returned unless they are defective.
- Stock Signs can be returned, and the restocking charge waived if the reason is EG reflective mismatch.
Comparison of Reflective Sheetings EGP vs EG 7310
3M™ Engineering Grade Prismatic -
3M™ Advanced Flexible Engineer Grade Sheeting Series 73010
Printed 3M™ Engineering Grade Prismatic -
Printed 3M™ Advanced Flexible Engineer Grade Sheeting Series 73010
View our Returns Policy.
For any other question regarding this material transition notice, contact customer service either by phone at 800‑274‑6273, or email us at [email protected] Monday to Friday from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM Eastern.